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We cannot wait to show you how possible and affordable home ownership can be!

We’re so glad you’re here!

If you are considering buying your first home, or have already decided to but are not sure what’s next, then you’ve come to the right place!

Buying a home can be a little overwhelming, and if you are like most people, you’re probably thinking… Where do I start?! Our goal is to help you with a budget, work with your personal goals, and determine how much you can comfortably afford. We will walk you through each step of the process and then some!

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Hello from the kurrle team of first home mortgage!

We are excited to help home buyers in Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia realize
that homeownership is possible!
(and can be affordable too!)

Buying A Home Can Be Overwhelming, But It Doesn't Have To Be!

When I first got into the industry in 2014, I quickly realized that there were a lot of home buying myths floating around out there – needing 20% down to buy a home, needing perfect credit, or that student loans would prevent you from ever owning a home. These myths were not the facts!

I learned that the more we were able to educate people on their options and on the programs that are available today, the more we would hear the words, “Wow! That’s really doable!”

And that has been our mission ever since --- Listen to your needs and goals, present personalized options, and show you just how affordable your first home can be!

We are excited to show you how you can do the same!

Our step-by-step process will educate you so you know exactly what to expect and when. We are always transparent with costs, so you don’t have to worry about any surprise fees later in the process. And, we will be right by your side start to finish, so we can ensure you have success getting into your first home without the stress and overwhelm! 

let's get started

Why Do We Do It?

Buying a home is one of life's most important decisions - financially, emotionally, and physically.

We got tired of putting our money toward a rent payment and wanted to invest in something of our own. We love that we get to come back to a place every night that we know is ours! We have enjoyed making our house feel like home and make the changes that we want. We know that every time we make a mortgage payment our equity is growing and we are building wealth over time.

It can be easy to lose sight of your budget with all the house hunting excitement, and it can be stressful trying to navigate the transaction and move all at once! It's a large purchase, a lot of debt, and a big responsibility. Our team ensures that you are well-cared for and informed every step of the way!

We truly love what we do and look forward to helping you make all your homeownership dreams come true!

When we are not helping clients with home finance, you can find us spoiling our chocolate lab, Porter, enjoying some of Annapolis’s local eat spots, or planning our next trip to the beach!

I bought my first home in 2016, and I’m so glad I did! I did not have a ton of money saved up and was early in my career, but I knew I wanted to start building equity and have a space of my own. I took advantage of a 3% down loan option, which did not exhaust all of my savings. The monthly payment at the price point I purchased in allowed me to enjoy all the other things I love in life too!

Buying my first home helped me understand first-hand that the process of buying a home can be overwhelming and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! All you need is the right team of professionals and the right plan in place before you get started.

Staying within my budget and following the plan allowed Ryan and I to buy our first home together just a few years later.

What our clients say about us

“I worked with Jordan for 2 years as I planned and searched for my first home"

"Jordan walked me through the entire process, answered every question I had and explained things thoroughly. I always felt comfortable asking her questions. She's incredibly knowledgeable and works with you closely so you get to closing on time. I highly recommend her to any of my friends who are first time home buyers."

—Stacie, Washington DC

Let Us Show You How You Can Do This Too!

Whether you are looking to buy a home today or just looking to get on the right track, we are here to help you reach your goals.

If you are a first time home buyer we recommend getting in touch 6-12 months before you plan to buy. This ensures you will be financially prepared when the time is right. We will uncover any programs and incentives that are available to you as a first time home buyer and provide any recommendations to make buying a home more affordable.

We promise to take it one step at a time, to always be honest, and to help you buy a home you truly love!

what sets the kurrle team apart?








We’ve Been There -- We know the stress that can come along with buying a home and coordinating a move, because we’ve done it too! We follow a step-by-step process so you are fully prepared and can enjoy your experience! 

Communication – You never have to worry about waiting on hold and talking to a different person every time. You have full access to us to guide you through the process.

We’re Local – Supporting a local business means you are helping your neighbors and putting money back into the community that you’ll be living in. 

FHMC is a Direct Lender – We process and underwrite your loan in house, which allows for a more seamless process start to finish. 

Weekly Market Updates – Interest Rates move constantly which can play a big role in your monthly mortgage payment and total cost for the life of the loan. We keep you informed with weekly market updates right to your inbox.

Weekly E-Newsletter – We don’t want you to miss a thing! Our weekly e-newsletter provides helpful home buying information as you prepare for your home purchase. We promise to only send tips that save you money and will help make your experience stress free!

We Care! We love being homeowners and we are excited for you to experience the benefits of homeownership too! We want you to have the best experience as possible - start to finish - so you can enjoy your home for years to come.  

What our clients say about us

“Jordan made me feel like we were going through the journey together & we were!"

"Jordan earned my trust by being my cheerleader and wanting me to succeed. As a first time home buyer it was helpful to listen to Jordan and understand the full mortgage buying process. She fully understood all of the first time home buyer programs and explained it to me clearly. Unbeatable!"

—Jennifer, Washington DC

if you're ready to...

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