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How to Avoid the Three Biggest Homeownership Blunders Everyone wants to avoid these three biggies: Roof Damage Water Damage Fire Damage Don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent these blunders. Here’s a rundown of the simple steps you can take to keep your home in tiptop shape – what to […]

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How Long Do You Need to Own Before You Sell? I get this question from both new clients who are about to buy their first home as well as clients that have owned their home for a while, “How long should I plan to hold on to my home before I sell?” Whether you want […]

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Get Going on Your Home Maintenance Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. Don’t make that your mantra when it comes to your home’s maintenance! Preventative maintenance is worth your time and money NOW to avoid costly home disasters later. You don’t want to be the one saying, “I should’ve caulked those windows for a few bucks a tube,” […]

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20 Survival Tips for Homeowners Being a homeowner can be exciting and fun at times, with lots of freedom to make it your own space! As a homeowner, though, you’re the one in charge of any repairs, maintenance, finances, and improvements over the long haul.  Whether you’re a first time homeowner or you’ve owned many, […]

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Celebrate Earth Day – 8 Ways to Save Energy At Home With Earth Day around the corner on April 22nd, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can make our homes more “green.”  We’ve all come a long way since Earth Day started back in 1970, whether it’s being better about recycling at home […]

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Why Even Your Home May Need Flood Insurance Don’t make flood insurance an afterthought! Even if you don’t live near the water or your home is not on a floodplain, you could be making a costly mistake if you don’t have the correct coverage. Most standard homeowner’s insurance policies don’t include flood protection, but a […]

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Spring Cleaning Must Do’s Inside and Out Both the inside and outside of your home could use a good once-over to make it look its best and keep it well-maintained. And that’s why “spring cleaning” and other seasonal prep work should be at the top of your to-do list for the weeks ahead. You want […]

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How Do I Buy A Home In This Crazy Market? You’ve likely heard a story or two about the wild real estate market we are having right now.   Nationally, there are 49% less homes on the market right now that this time last year.  In the Washington, DC area, there are 36% fewer homes on […]

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5 Reasons Spring Is Best for Selling Your Home Selling your home in the spring is usually best for most homeowners.  The time of year isn’t just blooming with flowers but also buyers! Starting in March and going through June, the real estate market is in full force throughout the DC metro area. Just about […]

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3 Common Mistakes that Lower Credit Scores Whether you know it or not, there might be things you are doing that can effect your credit score for the worse.   Even if you aren’t buying a home anytime soon, you don’t want to be surprised by your credit score when you want to buy a car […]

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Ryan + Jordan here! We're here to make mortgages simpler & easier for you! 

We're here to take the guesswork out of buying your next home.  We will help you with a budget, work with your personal goals, & determine how much you can comfortably afford. We'll make it simple and guide you entirely through the process. 

Buying a home is one of life’s most important decisions—financially, emotionally, and physically. It can be stressful trying to navigate the purchase and a budget all at once. We will help you map out a financial plan so you are comfortable with your budget before you shop, so you can focus on the move. We're here as a resource and will educate you throughout the entire process of buying your home!

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